Saturday, April 6, 2013

The second coming of Genevieve / ジェネヴィーヴの再来

It's official.  I have been short-listed as an ALT for the JET program.  In other words, as long as I get all my paperwork in on time, I'm going back to Japan for at least a year.

And boy, is there a lot of paperwork.

I'm getting fingerprinted for my background check on Monday.  I'm really nervous because I've heard stories of people with cracked hands getting their fingerprints rejected by the FBI.  My hands aren't exactly in perfect condition...

Since I get asked this a lot, I won't find out where I will be placed until May, after all my paperwork is in.  For placement requests, I put Aichi prefecture (because I love Nagoya), Gunma prefecture  (I figure since I have some friends who originated from there it can't be that bad of a place, and it's only one prefecture away from Tokyo prefecture), and Hiroshima prefecture (I'm a bit of a history buff, and I'd like the opportunity to visit southern Japan).  That being said, there is absolutely no guarantee that I will be placed where I requested.  I've actually heard it is fairly random.

Right now I'm worrying about saving up money for the initial housing deposit and surviving until my first paycheck, but I'll figure it out.

I just can't believe I'm going back to Japan.
I'm so unbelievably relieved and happy.
I have been dreaming about being in the JET Program since high school.
It's pretty much a dream come true.

So, I will try to keep up with this blog as much as possible, especially starting when I actually get there.












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